Hotfix (Restart your Gameclient, no need of new gameclient)
- hare has been fixed
- plant ultimate changed from 50% to 25% & 25 flat heal
- beast ultimate reduced from 4 to 3 counter
- bigyak hp reduced from 420 to 360
- hp passive max increased from 30 to 40
- arctic crab waves has been adjusted with more challenge
- suicidal frogs hp has been increased 2x
- all monsters stats adjustment for all maps
1. Balance Changes (B 1.1.3)
1.1. [Skill] All aura skills damage reduced from 4 to 3.
1.2. [Skill] All familiar skills damage reduced from 12 to 10.
1.3. [Skill] All fruit skills attack speed slowed from 0.5 to 0.6.
1.4. [Skill] Babylonia, Pliers, Green Thorns, Unko, Pupae, Rice, Shrimp: Interval upgrade.
1.5. [Skill] Toothless Bite: upgrade changed from distance to damage, also its base damage and distance has been increased.
1.6. [Skill] Imp: damage reduced from 32 to 28.
1.7. [Skill] Nutcracker skill upgrades changed from CD to piercing/bouncing.
1.8. [Skill] Hare: lvl.5 and 9 upgrade has additional crit chance.
1.9. [Skill] Green Thorns: lvl.5 & lvl.9 upgrade from 30% to 50% cooldown reduction.
1.10. [Skill] Furball & Nutcrackers: interval has been adjusted.
1.11. [Skill] Cupid: upgrade on cooldown reduction from 15% to 25% and faster attack speed.
1.12. [Skill] Sandal, Pigeon Post, Kotaro, Dualblade, Shoalstar, Parasite, Gravel Ant, Granma's Fan, Trispikes and Trifeather: interval has been adjusted.
1.13. [Monster] Karen resistances and knockback have been buffed.
1.14. [Map] Arctic Cave pattern has been adjusted.
1.15. [Map] Spawn rate on all maps has been increased.
1.16. [Passive - Instinct] Max HP reduced from 60 to 30.
1.17. [Passive - Instinct] Defense increased from 1 to 2.
1.18. [Passive - Instinct] Move speed reduced from 12% to 10%.
1.19. [Passive - Instinct] HP Regen increased from 0.5 to 0.8.
1.20. [Body Type] Spiky armor decreased from 40% to 30%.
1.21. [Body Type] Wet Dog move speed decreased from 160% to 150%.
1.22. [Body Type] Frosty armor decreased from 20 to 18.
1.23. [Body Type] Frosty defense decreased from 5 to 4.
1.24. [Body Type] Curly HP regen decreased from 60 to 50.
1.25. [Body Type] Fuzzy & Normal move speed reduced from 120% to 115%.
1.26. [Ultimate] Plant Ultimate heal increased from 20% to 50% max HP.
1.27. [Ultimate] Aqua Ultimate charge increased from 60 to 150 damage.
1.28. [Ultimate] Bird Ultimate charge decreased from 20 to 15 seconds.
1.29. [Ultimate] Bird Ultimate max uses increased from 3 to 5.
1.30. [Ultimate] Dawn Ultimate heal increased from 50% to 90% HP.
1.31. [Ultimate] Added Ethereal Shield effect after being revived by Dawn Ultimate.
1.32. [Ultimate] Mech Ultimate charge decreased from 60 to 45 seconds.
1.33. [Ultimate] Dusk Ultimate trigger decreased from 60 to 30 seconds.
1.34. [Ultimate] Reptile Ultimate speed boost duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
1.35. [Ultimate] Bosses now use 50% of their knockback resistance when hit by Reptile Ultimate.
1.36. [Passive - Spirits] Trickster Bombs damage reduced from 15 to 12.
1.37. [Passive - Spirits] Tasty Hearts healing increased from 8 to 16-24.
1.38. [Passive - Spirits] Dice needed for an extra reroll increased from 4 to 5.
1.39. [Passive - Spirits] Spirit of Fortune frequency upgrades reduced from 9% to 7% [2%, 2%, 3%].
2. Bug Fixes
2.1. Fixed incorrect display of Defense stat value on Axie menu.
2.2. Fixed wrong class icon in pause menu ultimate description if you use Vintage Elixir.
2.3. Added missing Little Owl & Puppy to Passive Skill selection.
2.4. Fixed a rare bug which prevented class ultimate from triggering despite full meter.
2.5. Fixed infinite level ups made possible due to two Falling Stars being collected at the same time.
Last updated